Chinese Dota 2 tier 2 team LBZS players got conned by coach Hongzhan. The incident reveals a general corruption problem within Low tier Dota 2 pro-circuit teams.

In a post submitted by Chinese Esports media, an incident surfaced regarding deceit and corruption. Former Keen Gaming players were apparently robbed by a member of the team.

Even though the news comes as a shock, it is not a surprise. The man in question is Coach Hongzhan, who has a prior history of fraudulence. It is heartbreaking really and disappointing at the same time.

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The incident is not breaking news but, did come to light recently. The whole conundrum started back at China Dota 2 Pro cup which had both Online and LAN stages.

Coach Hongzhan was a member of the LBZS Chinese Dota 2 Team.


China Dota 2 Pro Cup was organised by IMBATV early this year. LBZS had only started out as a venture back in September 2020.

LBZS started competing for Tier 2 DPC Championships starting March 2021. The most significant of them is the China Dota 2 Pro Cup which has a prize pool of over $50000LBZS made quite a name for themselves at the event.

They qualified for the Tier 1 tourney and also competed in the Tier 2 scrims. Most of the rounds happened online due to strict pandemic restrictions. Even though the final rounds were confined to LAN matches.

LBZS was also accused of a player swap, but that never happened. The journey of Team Spirit from Tier 2 to The International winners is an ode to that fact.

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LBZS Dota 2 Roster was confirmed in September soon after the team was built.


As the tournament continued, LBZS players decided to hire someone to coach them during LAN parties. Consequently, So Huang Hongzhan 黄洪霑, better known as Ah Xiang was signed on as a coach to the team in April.

Ah Xiang was on the team’s active roster some time ago. Money was running out for LBZS and hence the China Pro cup prize was supposed to be the relief funds. But, the story takes an anti-climactic turn here.

As the tournament for Moon Studio Tournament came to a close on 7th November, the DPC season ended. Ah Xiang had already left for his hometown. But, he managed to con the team at believing he would return shortly.

Days turned into weeks and players worried for their prize money. They were under the impression that the prize money has not been distributed. But, on calling the event organisers, they learned money was wired instantly after results were posted.

Hongzhan”Ah Xiang” conned LBZS Dota 2 squad in April 2021.

Hongzhan borrowed money from LBZS EX and LBZS Ms before departing for his hometown. On confrontation, Ah Xiang admitted to it, but the players still did not receive the money.

LBZS roster has been trying to get their money back since April. Considering how the pandemic hit everyone, this is absolutely cruelty on the part of Hongzhan.

This is what Moon Lim, co-founder of Moon Studio, had to say:
“So when ah Xiang was at the LAN, he wanted LBZS to play the heroes he drafted, and somehow because of that, was the reason for poor performance. Anyway, the team accepted their failure in some matches and went back to the Bootcamp after the event.
“So, the event ended, DPC ended, Moon Studio Tournament ended as well, Ah Xiang went back to his hometown, left his clothes and belongings at the Bootcamp acting as if he was going to return. But he did not, and that time the team was very short of funds, and they called…

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Moon Lim, Co-Founder of Moon Studio, brought the incident to light.


“And he even borrowed money from MS, and EX before he made his way back to his hometown. LBZS players are really upset. They tried to get back their money since April 2021, (Xiang took from them since their event from the Lan)

“So Huang Hongzhan 黄洪霑, If you are reading this, Please kindly return all the money that you took from the players, And for all pro players, please take note and do not accept any offers from him, and also do not lend any money to him if he approaches you. Thank you.”